Please join us in-person or virtually for this free educational event where we’ll be exploring important risk management issues facing design professionals. Participants will have the opportunity to earn up to 3 Professional Development credits.
Keynote Presentations presented by: J. Kent Holland, J.D. and Tom Emison
Thursday, October 14th: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 PM
Click Here for Additional Details
Feel free to share this invitation with others in your office.
UPDATE ON SEMINAR REGISTRATION: We are excited to hold this year’s event with in-person attendance and look forward to seeing our many guests who have already registered. Mendakota County Club is going strong, and the chefs will be putting together a great breakfast for our guests. If you haven’t already registered for in-person attendance and would like to join us, you can click on the Book My Spot button below.
Mendakota Country Club 2075 Mendakota Drive Mendota Heights, MN
Coffee & Hot Breakfast Available: 7:30 a.m.
Sign up for in-person seminar:
REGISTRATION FOR WEBINAR NOW OPEN: In recent weeks we’ve learned that some of our usual guests may prefer a virtual option due to the ongoing pandemic. We are pleased to announce that our 2021 Fall A&E Seminar will now also be available virtually. If your preference is to attend virtually, you can click on the Webinar Sign-Up below. For those attending virtually, CE credits will also be provided after signing a certification that they attended the entire virtual session.
Sign up for virtual webinar:
AN UPDATED COVID-19 STATEMENT: The CDC currently identifies the Twin Cities as an area of high transmissibility for the COVID-19 virus. For this reason, many businesses in the area have established COVID safety guidance for their employees and guests. Mendakota Country Club is no exception. They require that all unvaccinated persons entering their club house wear a mask. They are not presently requiring verification of vaccinations but are asking for voluntary compliance, relying on the integrity of their guests to honor this requirement. In addition, for those who prefer to ‘mask up’ in large gatherings, we welcome you to do so while at this event.
Keynote Presentations:
- Lessons Learned from Recent Design Litigation Court Decisions (1.5 CE Credits)
- Contract Reviews & Negotiation: Allocating the Risks (1.5 CE Credits)

Kent Holland – Construction Risk, LLC
J. Kent Holland, J.D. is a construction lawyer located in Tysons Corner, Virginia (formerly with Wickwire Gavin, P.C.). He represents design professionals, contractors, and project owners. He is also founder and president of a risk management consulting firm, Construction Risk, LLC, providing risk management consulting services to owners, design professionals, contractors, and attorneys on construction projects. This includes assistance with contract drafting, review and negotiation, change order and claims analysis (preparation or defense), risk management advice concerning insurance coverage – including assistance with negotiating and drafting the terms and conditions of policies and endorsements, advice to insurance underwriters, and guidance to those procuring insurance.
Summary of Experience
Office of General Counsel of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1982-1986), with responsibility for assisting the Agency in deciding wastewater treatment construction grants disputes, contractor claims, bid protests, suspension and debarment matters and minority business enterprise matters.
Mr. Holland is a frequent speaker on the subjects of construction law and risk management and is frequently published with articles and papers on these subjects. He has written several books including Working on Purpose (2011); Risk Management for Design Professionals in a World of Change (2010); Risk Management & Contract Guide for Design Professionals (2006); Construction Law & Risk Management – Case Notes and Articles, (Vol. 1, 2003 and Vol. II, 2006); Architectural/Engineering Contracts Risk Management Guide (1997); and EPA Construction Grants Disputes: Surviving the Audit (1990).
Villanova University School of Law, 1979. Undergraduate – B.S. Education – Earth & Space Science major.

Tom Emison – Sr. Director of Strategic Consulting
The New Normal for A&E firms in Today’s Environment; What are the Risks?
Tom Emison is a nationally-recognized thought leader on business strategy and crisis/contingency planning in the U.S. architecture, engineering, construction, and real estate sectors. He is a trusted C-Suite advisor with a passion for the Built Marketplace. Field-friendly and Board-oriented, Tom has researched, developed, documented, and implemented over 250 strategic business plans and tactical plans over three decades. He is an energetic and accomplished speaker, author, blogger, and podcast host. A 3-time U.S. Masters Swimming National Champion, Tom’s competitive spirit extends beyond the boardroom.
Tom offers comprehensive internal and external strategic situation assessments and executive coaching. He is an expert at synthesizing and documenting team-developed plans (e.g., core purpose, core values, BHAG, vision, growth plan, market planning, financial planning). Within Kraus-Anderson Risk Innovation, Tom conducts change readiness assessments and facilitates growth programming, innovation development, employee and external partner engagement, and strategic execution. He is skilled at building trust and fostering healthy experimentation.
Prior to joining Kraus-Anderson, Tom was a top director at three regional accounting firms: Eide Bailly, LLP from 2011-2015, RSM from 1997-2011, and Grant Thornton from 1994-1997. Within each role, Tom’s focus was on architecture/engineering, construction, and real estate clients.